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Chopicalqui is a very rewarding and at the same time challenging tour. The glacier is highly active and there are numerous crevasses, which require a lot of attention. Depending on your time budget, your level of physical fitnes and experience the tour shall be scheduled for 4 to 6 days. There are 3 camps on the way up to the summit of Chopicalqui:
One hour hike from the starting point in Llanganuco Valley is the basecamp of Chopicalqui - donkeys will accompany you only to this place, afterwards porters will help you carry all the equipment.
On an altitude of 4.800 m / 15,748 ft in between the rocks of Chopicalqui is the morraine camp. The way up to the camp is long and steep. Sunset and sunrise are awesome events at that spot. The noises produced by rock fall at the close walls of Huascarán or snow avalanches at Chopicalqui's steep walls can be quite impressive and frightening.
In between crevasses on a rather wide plateau on approximately 5.300 m / 17,400 ft is the spot for the last camp during the ascent. Through collapsed glacier it takes quite some time and attention to get there. Views are amazing.
From Camp I to the summit are still 1.000 m / 3,300 ft of elevation gain with very demanding terrain. Reaching the last section of the tour, having majestic Chopicalqui just in front of you is also a very rewarding event. Climbing Chopicalqui, also known as the third Huascarán is definitely a memorable adventure. Go for it!
Make sure to schedule enough time for this ascent and also take your time to be well recovered before starting this tour. Llanganuco Valley is an about 3 hour drive from Huaraz and a stopover at the famous truquoise lake is also worthwhile.