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It's always the same: holidays are too short for doing everything you want to do. Which summits to trek, hike or climb in Ecuador with one of our certified ASEGUIM or UIAGM mountain guides? That's the big question.
In this section you will find the most interesting peaks to climb in Ecuador clustered in 3 groups: ACCLIMATIZATION - day tours, CLIMBING TOURS - 2 DAYS & HARD CLIMBS.
In order to get prepared for your adventures in high altitudes you will find here a great choice of day tours to summits between 4.000 m (13,000 ft) and 5.000 m (16,500 ft):
Pasochoa, Guagua & Rucu Pichincha, Fuya Fuya, Imbabura, Corazon, Iliniza Norte, Sincholagua, Rumiñahui and Quilotoa are perfect solutions for your acclimatization.
Ecuador is a great destination for getting started with mountaineering in high altitudes, as once you are acclimatized most of the summits can be done as 2-day-tours and without big technical challenges. This block contains moderately difficult climbs to mountains with 5.000 m (16,000 ft) and more:
Cotopaxi, Chimborazo, Cayambe, Iliniza Norte, Carihuairazo and Tungurahua are very rewarding climbs in Ecuador.
Also experienced climbers will find great summits to climb in Ecuador. Counting with some rock climbing practice and being familiar with glaciers and respective techniques you might want to go for one of the following peaks:
Rucu Pichincha via its ridge, ridge of Iliniza Norte, Iliniza Sur, Chimborazo South Face, Altar or Antisana. Some of those climbs are a bit remote and more challenging, therefore your time budget shall provide accordingly.
Our TOUR GENERATOR gives you the possibility to make up your own bucket list for Ecuador, including whatever you are dreaming of. Just select all items for your perfect itinerary and we will prepare an offer for you. Please get in touch for personal assistance, we are happy to help you.