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Sunrise behind Antisana, Cotopaxi on the left - seen from Refugio Nuevos Horizontes - Ilinizas


Your Ecuadorian summit adventure shall be unique and individual? Go for it! Below you find a summary of all elements, which can be part of your Ecuadorian summit adventure. Acclimatization tours, easier and more challenging high summits and great options for rest & relax days with some cultural elements => just select what shall be part of your dreams. Here you can find a map of Ecuador (Andean area only!) for some guidance regarding your schedule. Here you can find a download of a touristic map of Ecuador.

Based on your indications you will get an individual offer from andean summit adventure. Please make sure to provide your complete details as requested in the form below.

How many persons will participate?

Details about participants (experienced climbers, kids, etc.)

Preferred date for your tour:

Preferred type of accommodation:

Acclimatization - Guagua Pichincha (Quito) - 4.794 m

Acclimatization - Pasochoa (Quito) - 4.200 m

Acclimatization - Rucu Pichincha (Quito) - 4.696 m

Acclimatization - Corazón (Machachi) - 4.791 m

Acclimatization - Rumiñahui (Machachi) - 4.722 m

Acclimatization - Sincholagua (Machachi) - 4.873 m

Acclimatization - Monte Juyende, Quilotoa Crater (Machachi) - 3.930 m

Acclimatization - Iliniza Norte (Machachi) - 5.126 m

Acclimatization - Tungurahua (Baños) - 5.023 m

Acclimatization - Fuya Fuya (Otavalo) - 4.263 m

Acclimatization - Imbabura (Otavalo) - 4.609 m

Acclimatization - Laguna de Cuicocha (Otavalo) - 3.450 m

Acclimatization - Glacier training Cayambe (Cayambe) - 4.800 m

Glacier tour - Cotopaxi (Machachi) - 5.897 m

Glacier tour - Cayambe (Cayambe) - 5.790 m

Glacier tour - Chimborazo (Riobamba) - 6.310 m

Glacier tour - Carihuairazo (Riobamba) - 5.018 m

Technical tour - ridge Rucu Pichincha (Quito) - 4.696 m

Technical tour - ridge Iliniza Norte (Machachi) - 5.126 m

Technical tour - Iliniza Sur (Machachi) - 5.246 m

Technical tour - Chimborazo South Face (Riobamba) - 6.310 m

Technical tour - Altar (Riobamba) - 5.310 m

Technical tour - Antisana (Machachi) - 5.758 m

Rest and relax - historic center of Quito

Rest and relax - Midad del Mundo & Pululahua (Quito)

Rest and relax - handicraft market Otavalo

Rest and relax - Papallacta hot springs (Quito)

Rest and relax - market of Saquisili or Pujili (Latacunga)

Rest and relax - Quilotoa crater lake (Latacunga)

Rest and relax - eco hike (Baños de Agua Santa)

Rest and relax - rock climbing (Baños de Agua Santa)

Rest and relax - El Pailón del Diablo & casa del arbol (Baños de Agua Santa)

Rest and relax - bosque de Polylepis (Chimborazo)

Rest and relax - without program (free time)

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Antisana, Cotopaxi, Rucu Pichincha, Cayambe, Altar & Iliniza Norte